Grumpy Dogs Podcast: Overcoming Your Dog's Fear and Aggression

Are you struggling with a dog that is anxious, fearful, or aggressive? You’re at the right place. In this free audio and video podcast series, Scott Sheaffer will explore insights and strategies to guide dog owners, veterinary practices, and dog trainers in overcoming these issues using scientific and humane methods.

Most Recent Episode

Ep. 34 Complete Podcast: Beyond the Fence, Using Proximity to Dog Parks as a Tool to Address Dog Aggression, Part 4/12

Ep. 34 Complete Podcast: Beyond the Fence, Using Proximity to Dog Parks as a Tool to Address Dog Aggression, Part 4/12

Are you navigating the challenges of a reactive dog? In this episode, we dissect the misunderstood concept of 'socialization' and reveal humane, controlled methods to help your reactive dog overcome their fears. I'll walk you through a technique that works outside the dog park fence, offering behavior modification opportunities while keeping your canine at a safe distance from their triggers.

I discuss an axiom of dog behavior when it comes to visual triggers and why walking your reactive dog outside the dog park could be a technique you've been searching for. By the end of our chat, you'll understand why tossing a reactive dog inside a dog park to 'socialize' them isn't just ineffective—it could worsen their anxieties. So gear up and join us; we're sharing practical advice and strategies to turn a dog park into a behavioral tool.

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